Friday, 29 August 2008

poorly sad face mcgee

Been poorly and finally moved out of my crappy flat today so meow.

Heres one thing i will say i didn't much like Labyrinth. I really cant stand the muppets. One thing I do like though is MC Escher and his crazy stairs.

Everything about the film Labyrinth annoyed me though, I felt like I was tripping my tits off on Calpol.

Going to watch Never Ending Story tonight, not seen it in years. There is a scene in the film where the horse gets stuck in a lake or something and dies but it actually happened on set! The horse was meant to get dunked in and out of the water on like a harness but it broke and the horsey acting is actual horsey pure fear emotional last dying minutes of horseness. Poor actor horsey! Also I heard that they had to stop filming for a few weeks because the little boy in the film was so traumatized by the horse dying.


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